Wednesday, April 04, 2007

British Navy people released

CBC news article here. It seems the Iranians got what they wanted and agreed to release the captured British Navy people...with the usual rhetoric as well.

From the picture in the article, it looks like the boys got some brand new Iranian suits. It's also evidence that Iran has a ways to go in terms of equality for women. The lone woman in the group got some pretty shabby clothes.

The truth of what really happened here will never be know to the general public, but, to me anyways, it looks like Iran played this smart and got the better of the British and the Americans.

As far as repercussions go, I don't think much will happen here. Already mired in conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, I don't think the British or American public has the appetite for another war...I don't think their governments will have enough money for a war with Iran anyways.

For a better analysis of the subject, read the PINR report here.

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