Sunday, April 29, 2007

Our Prime Minister

Being set up at the company townhouse for a couple of weeks is great, I have a place to sleep that's close to work and can save money by not eating at restaurants all the time. On the flip side, there's no tv at all and no internet connection. I feel shut out of the world.

It's playoff hockey time and I have to go to a bar to watch some of the games. I suppose I can listen to the games on the radio, but I'd rather watch them.

I'm missing a lot of the news as well. The issues surrounding the government's green plan seem to be picking up, news about the war in Afghanistan, and other interesting tid bits of news.

One issue is Steven Harper's image about it here and here.

I don't find it surprising that he needs an image adviser. I don't find it surprising that he doesn't have much of a fashion sense either. I am surprised that he let this issue be a source of contention and the stories about how defensive he gets when asked about it seem weird and juvenile. I couldn't find a news link for it, but I saw the same weirdness his first day in office when he had his entourage drive around the parliament buildings twice just to avoid a single cbc video journalist.

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