Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Manila and Josie's Wedding

We left for Manila on Monday morning. The flight itself was short, but the landing was a little bumpy due to turbulence. The pilot had to abort the sequence and start over again.

Manila itself is a lot nicer and cleaner than I remember it. Getting around town is a real pain though, the traffic is brutal. It seems like we spent most of the day on Tuesday in a vehicle stuck in traffic. We stayed with Jasmine and her brother J.P. J.P. was nice enough to drive us around to do some shopping and meeting up with people. I also met some of Aimee's Manila friends later on in the night...a lively bunch and really nice people.

For those of you that don't know, filipinos use different terms to refer to their relatives and family. Tita is used for Aunts, Tito for uncles, Kuya for older brothers/cousins/male family friends, Ate for older sisters/cousins/female family friends, and Lolo/Lola for Grandpa/Grandma.

I had to buy a traditional formal shirt for the wedding called a barong. Looks thin, but it's kind of like wearing a windbreaker...not much in terms of ventilation. We lucked out with some cooler weather so it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

The wedding itself was good. It was nice to see some relatives that I hadn't seen in years and meet some relatives that I had never met before. Some of the relatives that I thought would be there weren't so I'll have to make some plans to go visit them in the coming weeks.

The pictures don't look that great. The lighting was low and I tried to get away with not using the flash too much. The 400ISO setting on the camera is junk, but here are some anyways:

Tita Salud and Tito Pepe checking out some video on Jon's phone:

Inside the church:

Jon, Aimee, Tita Beth, Tito Candido and his wife Tita Carmen, Dr. Cecil Ramos, and me:

Ate Leida and me:

Tita Salud and Tito Pepe making some short speeches:

Ate Josie and Andrew cutting the cake and the toast of the night:

Here's one with Kuyas Junjun and Boy with Tita Salud and me. I'm not sure who the older couple is, but I'm sure mom will know:

Whew ! This was a long post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's a barong??

Nothing - what's barong with you???

ahhaha ah ha haa

try smiling in the pictures dude.